Pia Ma invokes the Sacred within. Ma calls us to stand tall in Presence, live, celebrate, we are that. She invites us to be humble in Divine communion, honour Divine Presence within, and not be concerned with the nonsense of life. Not to war or deny it rather consciously choose and tend, rest and abide in the Divine. To really allow our glorious Being to rise up in the ordinary of everyday Life, the alive freshness of True Nature. The sweet nectar coming closer and closer surrendering inward and intimately playing, Sacred Consciousness playing in the Sacred. To directly experience God is all and everything. We are Light, we are Sacred. Surrender, recognise and celebrate boundless Essence within True Nature. The greatest gift to Oneself.

“Living surrendered, not warring with the experience, allows our inner-outer energy field to be free in communion. Life naturally opens, an always freshness, alive living Essence. Innate Being is here to be called upon surrendered into. The boundless Glory. Tenderly check for warring within and feel taste see the difference.” ~ Pia Ma

What’s happening:

Weekly Morning Meditation

Thursdays 6-7.30am

Ocean Shores, Bundjalung country, Aus

more details

AUMCARA COMMUNITY ART FUNDRAISER ~ Raising funds for Samvedna Women & Children

High Quality digital images are now available for purchase & Download. All proceeds raise funds for Samvedna, a trust based in Rishikesh, India that supports women and children to step out of disadvantage through sustainable programs.

more details


For other previous teachings and experientials, please continue to use www.meetingwithpia.org

All upcoming events will be listed on this site instead.

Pia Ma invites you to allow the Light of Pure Consciousness to come forth in boundless facets. The ease of our True Nature is already here and we can Consciously inspire, rise forth beyond the imagined. Humbled in the Presence of the Sacred acknowledging spaciousness, Sacred Knowing, joy, life’s isness, for we are that life. To recognise and live naturally in boundless expressions of Presence, the Divine orchestration of it all. Our challenges, shadows, our magnificence rise to be met, within the simplicity of registering the natural kiss by the Light of Presence. Presence that is within us all. The humbled glory recognising oneself, Grace is alive, our Sacred Knowing Being.