Set of 12 Meditation - Experientials Recorded Live

Recorded @ Greenland Ashram Temple, Tiruvanamalai, Tamil Nadu Southern India

12 Meditation - Experientials ~ Recorded Live from Pia Ma’s Southern India 2023 Tour ~ Sacred Timeless Time

The set of 12 Meditation - Experientials are not so much a practice rather an opportunity to Consciously play. To enjoy open discovery, recognise innate True Nature’s boundless facets in simplicity. The play extends well beyond the moments of listening.

The India tour meditation – experientials are a Sacred Play. So, when experiencing these recordings give yourself the opportunity-space to wholeheartedly experience. The depths that these recordings invoke inspire are boundless. The richness of Presence comes forth. To ground and celebrate the glory, the invitation is to Consciously anchor, leaning in, surrender into the Constant, Sacred Heart, the Silence, Innate Awareness to support the mind not to interpret, to Consciously experience beyond the mind. An opportunity for True Nature Intelligence Sacred Knowing to come forth and embody.

To acknowledge celebrate Sacred Sweet Nectar of Being brings forth what no longer serves and the invitation is to honour what rises and with the honoured space to rise, leaning in, the profoundness within efficiency of True Nature’s Conscious playing is here to experience. To Know and recognise our energy shifts within Sacred playing also brings forth an ally for further playing.  

The direct experience of these recordings is one aspect within the recordings that continues to platform experiences boundlessly in everyday life. The immediate of listening-experience extends into the opportunity for finery of Life. Grounding Presence naturally, Consciously.

If challenged shift your attention, enjoy Consciously exercising supportive tools, softening, allowing and as needed cleanly reset, free from judgement, stay systematic. Simply maintain leaning in, choose: the constant, Sacred Heart-Presence, Silence, Awareness. Your insight, Knowing, Presence has freedom to play. Our essence formlessness has freedom to play in the form.

The invitation is to experience the meditation-experientials firstly in consecutive order. Once played in consecutive order then allow Presence to direct you to what will benefit you in that moment. Watch the mind and underneath resistance which possibly wants to choose other. If you are drawn to the same meditation-experiential then wholeheartedly surrender to that meditation-experiential.

These recordings are Sacred. Invite humility and honour the Sacred playing. Before purchasing these recordings, it is important to recognise there is a responsibility to meet what rises, to allow Oneself Presence. May you enjoy the Play.

Pia Ma


Set of 12 Mediation ~ Experientials - $80AUD

Discounted for the Southern India Tour Participants - $35 AUD


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Please note:

The recordings are a set of 12 recordings and not sold individually.

The invitation is to follow guidance wholeheartedly with reverence honouring the flow from Mother Father God through Pia Ma’s Sacred sharing. The recordings are not for the faint hearted. If you choose to share these recordings please be honourable, share Ma’s words that come with these recordings and please donate respectively. 

India Tour Recordings - Standard

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India Tour Recordings - Participants Only

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