
The invitation is to fully live, choose and share Sacred embrace, to live your Sacred knowing through Being.
— Pia Ma

Pia Ma’s Presence has the capacity to meet you boundlessly within the Sacred. Ma shares innate tools that invoke and inspire True Essence in the midst of everyday life. Tools that support you to transcend the veils of illusion, freshly recognise Oneself and embrace and live freely in True Nature. Importantly as Sacred Knowing comes forth and Awakening unfolds Pia Ma shares how to navigate through Sacred unfolding. Ma reminds us not to give Sacred Knowing to the mind for interpretation, dissipating the enrgy rather consciously resting in the Silence. This platforms an opportunity for embodiment, further Knowing to naturally rise with awareness the the dots within Sacred Knowing unfold, clear seeing, who we are, who we are Being, and honour our choices. Honour our Grace.

Tools  are recognised, lived as part of innate functioning, the instrument of God is Known through direct experience. Tools that bring us Home in an instant freshness and bring forth Presence, alivness. The glory of the Sacred isness. The interconnectedness of all and everything experience is lived. The form and formless dance together in radiant Being . Capacities beyond duality, beyond, in the ordinary of everyday,  Presence shines the Light of Divine Sacred Consciousness.  Boundless qualities shine forth to live and explore the glory of Life, we are that Life. Radiance of love, innate intelligence, emotional maturity, spiritual freedom beyond courage, beyond trust to naturally shine in life. Regardless of our expression in the world True Being is for all to embrace.

To love really love sets us free. We can try to be kind, try to love, and the try list goes on. Yet love is Love, there is no effort to Love. There is no effort in True Being. Surrendering inward to what is already Here brings forth our Sacred. To stop trying, surrender and see - feel - know oneself, the glorious boundless expansiveness of Sacred Knowing. Being. Yearnings, longings and more transcend, we recognise we are Sacred, we are timeless, we are Consciousness. The glorious beauty, life lived.

Shining the Light of Consciousness into duality, recognising the illusion of duality

Pia Ma’s teachings come in various forms. Ma shares through online, in person and residential retreats and satsang, as well as in person or online one to one sessions. Ma’s teachings are also available to be listened to via podcast or recording.

To recognise within all experiences the simplicity of how we actually experience experiences. The distinction between the content and how we experience. Recognising the profoundness when Consciously playing, shifting attention and abiding in Presence. To know, really know, honour the Sacred instrument we are. The boundlessness, ease within experiencing when we allow surrender welcome experiences, regardless of the content opposed to resisting warring against the what is within the experience. Here we can abide in Presence - constant - Sacred Heart - Awareness. The depths within the experience unfold beyond imagined, making sense, joining the dots, where the Knowing comes alive and freedom to experience life.

To consciously choose the constant, the silence of Sacred Heart. To recognise the Sacred brings forth precisely whatever we are to meet tenderly with glorious Omni-synchronicity. It is not necessary to go looking through the mind for what we need to tend to, rather be present to whatever rises in your field of Awareness. To acknowledge the innate intimate happening, every breath Omni-presence that is already in play. The intimacy of coming closer and closer to oneself, the Divine orchestration that is already in play, seen within simplicity of checking in, yet at times we can jump over. Manually checking in until the field of Being our Essence is Here forth within the ordinary of everyday. Our true Essence, that immense love can be in the back stalls of our experience and not really allowing our True Nature to come forth. Yet the Great Omni-presence Divinity, God, gives us continued moments to come on board to what is already Here, recognising oneself, remember. Through surrendering inward and recognising what is Here, what has always been regardless of how long or short one has been playing in the veils of illusion. To honour our essence, Being and celebrate the Great Ocean of Silence rises forth naturally steering platforming whatever is within our path to experience in the intimacy of inner field that pulses forth shines. Showing ourself to ourself. Mother Father God, Pure Consciousness is an alive energy field that streams breathes through us. The Sacred. Rejoice in boundless freshness. To recognise our innate Sacred Being, the sweet sweet perfume of Oneself is Here. The Nectar of Father Mother God communion is our birth rite. We recognise we are an aspect of God, part of and united within all and everything. The invitation is to fully live, choose and share Sacred embrace, to live your Sacred knowing through Being. To be humble alive within the Freedom spaciousness, experiencing life. The glory delight of open discovery, within experience, Being Here in simplicity, available Presence, Sacred, Alive Living in the ordinary of everyday.