Pia Ma

in the Netherlands

Loving Presence Tour 2024

Sunday, 6 October 2024, 9:30 am
Wednesday, 22 October 2024 , 5:00 pm

Tour Events

Details & Registration

*Please note each event needs to be purchased separately

Living Innate Capacities a natural Loving Presence comes forth, we recognise settling into Being, Grace in every day life.
— Pia Ma
The Gathering ~ Advanced  Silent Sitting ~ Divine Resting

The Gathering ~ Advanced Silent Sitting ~ Divine Resting

The Gathering ~ Advanced Silent Sitting ~ Divine Resting starts Ma’s Loving Presence Tour.

The Gathering is for those that are drawn to Pia Ma’s guidance and have already spent time with Ma in person or online. The Gathering is designed for those devoted to Divine Presence direct pathless path. Calling on those committed to living Presence honouring living your absolute knowing, come and sit together, dive deeply into the Silence naturally bringing forth fresh Grace Hereness enlivening.

There will be a focused pace of 3 silent sittings with short silent breaks. Pia Ma will steer you into boundless Silence ocean depths, a natural no effort dissolving, steeping in Oneself, Divine Loving Presence Radiance.

This an opportunity for fresh enlivening depths to radiate through your energy field. A chance for the central nervous system to deeply rest, entire energy field to realign, harmonise, recognise, celebrate no effort ease of naturally dissolving transcendence allowing Divine Heart to rise forth. To be refreshed, a nourishment that brings forth a fresh settling into Oneself. Beyond Oneself. Spaciousness solid in fluidity, spaciousness within spaciousness.

Sitting together in Divine Loving Presence transmission, inspiring Oneself, facets of isness rise forth to embody. Honouring Divine Presence streaming fluidity expansiveness, fresh delightful embrace.

Living innate tools embodies Knowing Oneself Being. Living our Absolute Knowing embodies Grace~Love~Truth in Being Radiant Presence.

This event is in English.

What to bring

We suggest comfortable clothing, a shawl and a drink bottle.  

Pia Ma invites you to sit in meditation before coming to The Gathering .


Please choose from one of the sliding scale options below that genuinely is in line with your financial position

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In person Private Meeting with Pia Ma ~ Amsterdam
to 11 Oct

In person Private Meeting with Pia Ma ~ Amsterdam

Pia Ma offers in person private meetings

An in person private meeting with Pia Ma provides the opportunity to share a deep connection with the Sacred. A time to resolve and transcend any energies that no longer serve. You can ask spiritual life questions, share realisations and simply enjoy being in Pia Ma’s energy field sharing the Sacred together and see what rises.


  • Please allocate approximately one hour for your meeting with Pia Ma. Please ensure you are on time.

  • Ma invites you to sit in meditation for a minimum of 10 minutes before and after your scheduled meeting.

  • Come and go in Silence honouring oneself and other participants. Take the time to deeply rest in the Silence before and after your meeting with Pia Ma. Sangha will be present to support you.

  • Each meeting with Pia Ma is up to 30 minutes.

Dates and times available

  • Monday October 7-(Monday is fully booked)

  • Tuesday October 8

  • Wednesday October 9

  • Thursday October 10

  • Friday October 11

Meeting times range from 9:30am - 12:00pm (9:30am, 10:00am, 10:30am, 11:00am, 11:30am, 12:00pm)


There are limited meetings available. In fairness one meeting per person.

Please fill out the form below. Your preference of date and time is considered however not guaranteed, we do our best. Meeting allocation is on a first come first served basis. If you are flexible with your date and time please let us know, this will support those that are not.

You will receive an email response to your booking request with your exact date and time allocated. To ensure your allocated time, you will need to reply confirming your allocated meeting. Otherwise unfortunately you may miss that time allocation.



Payment on arrival. Please support the Sangha team by bringing exact cash to the meeting, enclosed in an envelope with your name on it.

What to bring

You are welcome to bring your phone to record the meeting. Please note no shoes inside.

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Satsang Workshop ~          Innate Capacities

Satsang Workshop ~ Innate Capacities

Pia Ma invokes and inspires a fresh depth of Loving Presence. The Satsang ~ Workshop starts with a guided meditation/experiential, a fresh deepening communion with Oneself. A sweet open tending, a natural no effort connectedness transcendence. This is an opportunity to allow the central nervous system to deeply rest, entire energy field to realign, be refreshed. We can recognise a settlement Beyond Oneself. Honouring the direct pathless path to shine celebrating what is already Here. During the Satsang Workshop Ma invokes an ease to surrender, explore and rest in the Hereness of our True Nature. A fresh Heartened inside out oneness touch, the sweetness of celebrating Presence Sacred Being. Ma supports an open discovery and ease to bring forth Presence in all aspects of life, for we are That.

The Joy natural Grace thankfulness, humility, a liberation like no other.

The sweet gifts within coming together brings forth innate fresh nourishing Presence, a natural radiant pulse for all to experience.

What to bring

We suggest comfortable clothing, a shawl and a drink bottle.


Please choose from one of the sliding scale options below that genuinely is in line with your financial position.

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Satsang Workshop ~ Loving Presence

Satsang Workshop ~ Loving Presence

Pia Ma invokes and inspires a fresh depth of Loving Presence. The Satsang ~ Workshop starts with a guided meditation/experiential, a fresh deepening communion with Oneself. A sweet open tending, a natural no effort connectedness transcendence. This is an opportunity to allow the central nervous system to deeply rest, entire energy field to realign, be refreshed. We can recognise a settlement Beyond Oneself. Honouring the direct pathless path to shine celebrating what is already Here. During the Satsang Workshop Ma invokes an ease to surrender, explore and rest in the Hereness of our True Nature. A fresh Heartened inside out oneness touch, the sweetness of celebrating Presence Sacred Being. Ma supports an open discovery and ease to bring forth Presence in all aspects of life, for we are That.

The Joy natural Grace thankfulness, humility, a liberation like no other.

The sweet gifts within coming together brings forth innate fresh nourishing Presence, a natural radiant pulse for all to experience.

What to bring

We suggest comfortable clothing, a shawl and a drink bottle.


Please choose from one of the sliding scale options below that genuinely is in line with your financial position.

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Satsang Workshop ~ Hereness Presence

Satsang Workshop ~ Hereness Presence

Pia Ma invokes and inspires a fresh depth of Loving Presence. The Satsang ~ Workshop starts with a guided meditation/experiential for open tending, a natural no effort connectedness transcendence. This is an opportunity to allow the central nervous system, the entire energy field to deeply rest, realign, be refreshed. We can recognise a settlement Beyond Oneself and support that depth of Presence. Honouring the direct pathless path to shine celebrating what is already Here. During the Satsang Workshop Ma invokes an ease to surrender and explore our True Nature, a fresh Heartened inside out oneness touch, the sweetness of celebrating Presence Sacred Being. Ma supports an open discovery and ease to bring forth Presence in all aspects of life, for we are That.

The gift within coming together brings forth fresh innate nourishing Light of Presence for all to experience.

Sacred simplicity shining Light of Being for no reason other than celebrating Divine Union with Oneself.

What to bring

We suggest comfortable clothing, a shawl and a drink bottle.


Please choose from one of the sliding scale options below that genuinely is in line with your financial position.

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Sacred Nourishment                       7 Day Retreat                              (non-residential)
to 19 Oct

Sacred Nourishment 7 Day Retreat (non-residential)

Sacred Nourishment 7 day Retreat provides an opportunity to let go of the everyday and enjoy being deeply nourished. Honouring and celebrating the sweet nourishment of Oneness, with space to enjoy, refresh embodying deepening resting in the Light of Presence. Allowing the Light of Presence. Pia Ma will share and guide you through a week of deeply nourishing Oneself. Plays that enliven deep relaxation and resting in the Great Ocean of Silence, enjoying the sweetness of fresh connectedness. The retreat will include meditations, experientials, Sacred Sharings, floor plays, silent sittings, breath work, chi harnessing, energy work, nature walks, enjoying a meal together, sharing Oneself. Wholesomeness enjoyment, the embrace of no effort nourishment, Great Omni-essence Divinity shinning.

A gift to deeply nourish freshly allowing Oneself an opportunity to rest, play together and enjoy an eased expansiveness rising forth nourished, fresh Light of Being.

Deep nourishment and relaxation is the tone for this retreat.

Steep in Divine Presence nourishment and celebrate Oneself.

The retreat includes

  • a 7 day retreat face to face full program (refer to the program times below)

  • Ma will guide you daily through the evening and early morning self-directed program to complement the face to face program

  • vegetarian lunch as well as morning and afternoon refreshments. On registration please clearly state any dietary requirements.

This retreat is a non-residential retreat. The retreat location is based in the picturesque coastal nature area of Schoorl. The address will be given on registration to enable you to find accommodation close to the location.

This retreat is in English.

Program Times

Saturday 12th @12.45 pm registration, (lunch is not provided on the 12th)

Saturday 12th commencing @1 pm - 4pm  

Sunday 13th - Friday 18th @ 8am - 4pm daily

Saturday 19th @ 8am -1pm (retreat finishing after lunch)

What to bring

Yoga mat, meditation cushion, shawl, socks (no shoes inside), journal (preferably no lines) and a water bottle. Please wear loose comfortable clothing, and include walking shoes, rain jacket for easy forest walking (if you don’t have a yoga mat-meditation cushion please let us know on registration).

Cost includes the program and vegetarian lunch, morning and afternoon refreshments

Please choose from one of the sliding scale options below that genuinely is in line with your financial position.

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Bathe in Sacred Heart       morning retreat

Bathe in Sacred Heart morning retreat

Bathe in Sacred Heart Presence with Pia Ma. This morning retreat is a unique special event. Pia Ma will focus and guide you through facets of Sacred Heart for deep immersion realignment invigorating Oneself, delighting in Sacred Heart freedom. Ma’s Presence guides with absoluteness, Presence shinning on energetic pathways for a natural expanse Beyond Oneself enjoyment. This is an opportunity to experience fresh liberating ease of Sacred Heart. A profound connectedness that naturally realigns, cleanses, rejuvenates effortlessly in deep relaxation for Beyond radiant stabilisation. The Joy that naturally comes forth as we play, rest and Bathe in Sacred Heart steeping Grace. A refreshed boundlessness Hereness of Sacred Heart Sharing.

Together we explore the finery of Sacred Heart enhancing clarity, insight and creative Presence alive connectedness. Living tools that build a momentum for continual expansive aliveness.

An opportunity to enliven innate tools to know Oneself. The Joy of Life. To be able to walk onwards, living innate tools, easeful delight shinning Being.

The Retreat will be held in The Studiio, a Sacred elegant beautiful sanctuary space. The Studiio is a dedicated energy field, a haven for intimate Sacred events. Pia Ma is delighted to return to The Sudiio, with it’s creative charming decor, and meticulously cared for space. The Studiio is an alive perfect venue to host Pia Ma’s very special retreat.

This event is in English.

What to bring

Wear comfortable clothing, a shawl, journal (preferably no lines) and a drink bottle.

What is included

  • hot beverage, fresh /dried fruit nuts light snack


Please choose from one of the sliding scale options below that genuinely is in line with your financial position.

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Satsang Workshop ~             Alive Divine Presence

Satsang Workshop ~ Alive Divine Presence

Pia Ma invokes and inspires a fresh depth of Loving Presence. The Satsang Workshop starts with a guided meditation/experiential for open tending, a natural no effort connectedness transcendence. This is an opportunity to allow the central nervous system to deeply rest, allowing the entire energy field to realign, be refreshed. We can recognise a settlement Beyond Oneself. Honouring the direct pathless path to shine celebrating what is already Here. During the Satsang Workshop Ma invokes an ease to surrender and explore our True Nature, a fresh Heartened inside out oneness touch, the sweetness of celebrating Alive Divine Presence. Ma supports an open discovery and ease to bring forth Presence in all aspects of life, for we are That.

To experience Sacred simplicity the shining Light of Being for no reason other than celebrating Divine Union with Oneself.

The gift within coming together brings forth innate nourishing Light of Divine Presence for all to experience.

Living Innate capacities, allows Alive Divine Presence settling. Knowing Oneself. A profound natural ease celebrating life.

What to bring

We suggest comfortable clothing, a shawl and a drink bottle.


Please choose from one of the sliding scale options below that genuinely is in line with your financial position.

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Sacred Healing Ceremony

Sacred Healing Ceremony

  • Therapeutic Activities Center Amsterdam (TACA) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Pia Ma shares Sacred Healing Ceremony utilising meditation/experientials. This is an opportunity to be part of ritual and ceremony celebrating a way of life. We sit together, invoking calling our Shaman Medicine Being to freshly rise forth. Timelessness. Ma will guide us through a pathless path of Sacred purification embracing all aspects of our lives in Pure Love. To enjoy refreshed steadfast capacities welcoming Life experiences and drawing on the wisdom and healing traditions of many cultures as an inclusive dance.

Together in ceremony we create herb blessing bundles and prayer lines Sacred calling declaring liberating Sacred Heart freedom. Honouring the ease of open sight recognising and allowing our forging fire, Life’s Transcendence. A natural invoking Shaman eyes, senses, insight clarity freeing living. Shaman up capacity not swept by the veils, sight through and beyond the veils. A clearness ease pathless path. Honouring our capacity to create beauty.

Authentic Heart calling Great Spirit to dance our Sacred Healing Ceremony, welcoming Spirit animals and Sacred objects, Totems. Great Spirit calling forth our interconnected aliveness of Mother Father Earth - Universe. The Glory of Hu-man-Spirit-Manu ~ God manifestation Sacred Creation Being. Invoking invigorating living Sacred Heart Sweet Medicine pathless path. Together we dance with Medicine Wheels, wholeness celebration, the delightful allowing the awe, mystery Isness Dance of Sacred Creation.

Together we affirm, declare, celebrate our innate Shaman Medicine person.

Pia Ma has been sharing, dancing ritual and ceremony groups, Sacred Presence for close to 40 years. Ma a Medicine Pipe Carrier acknowledges Sacredness, Healing and Ceremony as way of life. Pia Ma’s Presence naturally invokes, inspires and enlivens Sacred Knowing, Healing, Wisdom, Heart Presence Aliveness.

This event is in English.

The Ceremony includes

  • materials to make your own prayer line to take with you

  • materials to make your herb blessing bundle to take with you

  • Prasad, blessed nuts and dried fruits and hot drinks

What to bring

  • an invitation to bring something that is special for you, so it can be part of the Sacred altar, allowing fresh blessings

  • an invitation to a bring flowers/petals, leaves to be add to the flower altar

  • wear comfortable clothing, a shawl that also can become your medicine blanket, journal (preferably no lines) and a drink bottle.


Please choose from one of the sliding scale options below that genuinely is in line with your financial position.

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