
from Archangel Michael

adapted by Pia Ma

Take a breath for three Aums.




Heavenly Mother/Father God, Creator offering all Creations. The Light, The Oneness, The Great Embodiment, the All that is, the Mighty I am Presence. Thank you for all you give unto us and bring unto us. Thank you for the Creation and thank you for allowing us to be part of – and united within – your Creation. We love and adore and worship only you God. Amen.

Love to Beloved Jesus The Christ, Gautama The Buddha and all the Ascended Masters and Masters of the Light of God. Thank you for your love, your support, your Sacred Presence and walk on this emerald sapphire and Beyond. For allowing us to be directly united within your energetic fields. We thank you. We love you. Amen.

Love to Beloved Archangel Michael, the Mighty Elohim and all the Archangels and angels of the Light of God. Thank you for your love, your guidance, your protection, your understanding and your influence. We thank you for your self-less service, your devotion to all sentient life, universes and dimensions. We thank you for walking forever with us in the light, for allowing us to be directly in your energetic field. We love you and thank you. Amen.

Love to all Legions of the Light of God and all the Beings and Workers of the Light of God. Thank you for your love, your support, your understanding, your creative registry response, your devotion to full Awakening, supporting full Awakening, your devotion to Mother/Father God, your Love, your Presence, your playfulness, you’re here-ness. We love you and thank you. Amen.

Love to the Creation and thank you for Being within the Embodiment of the God Presence. We love you and thank you. Amen.

Love to all the universes and dimensions, thank you for Being within the Great Embodiment of the God Presence. We love you and thank you. Amen

Love to Mother Earth. Thank you for your beauty and your sustenance. We love you and thank you. Amen.

Love to Inti-Ra-Sol-Helius. Thank you for your warmth, your life giving light, your divine radiance, your pulse of Presence. We thank you and love you. Amen.

Love to Great Luna. Thank you for your night light, radiant beauty, your ebb and flow. We love you and thank you. Amen.

Heavenly Mother/Father God, Creator offering all Creations. The Light, The Oneness, The Great Embodiment, the All that is, the Mighty I am Presence. Thank you for all you give unto us and bring unto us. Thank you for the Creation and thank you for allowing us to be part of – and united within – your Creation. We love and adore and worship only you God. Amen.

Heavenly Mother/Father God. Bring forth light into the darkness, hope to the hopeless, peace to the warring, food to the starving, water to the thirsty, knowledge to ignorant, sound to the mute, motion to the crippled, compassion to the callous, sight the blind, hearing to the deaf, love to the loveless.

Heavenly Mother God, all those that are suffering, whether it be mental, physical, emotional, trespass, displacement, challenges within full Awakening. May this very moment, day and evening bring forth a fresh breath of your Grace with insight, to recognise the identified self, to remember one’s True nature, to remember the Purity of Being, the simplicity of what is already Here. Amen

Heavenly Father/Mother God, all those that trespass the children, may they stop, turn and hesitate and in this hesitation, allow it to be a shock, granted by Great Omni-essence Divinity. May it be kind. May it be the sword of Truth. May it bring forth Divine courage and strength, a transcending touch, the courage to bring forth one’s True nature to recognise the identified self, the patterns in play. Courage to seek the right family, friend, community, professionals to bring forth the right spiritual Being so everyone can be held in unconditional love for full transcendence. Amen.

Heavenly Mother/Father God, may the pulse of Presence rise forth in Humanity. May our Hearts in simplicity in Divine Grace be available as needed for all those that call upon the Divine. May our Hearts in Pure Light in Presence steam forth, be there for those in need, big-small and in between. May we recognise being called and where we stand in the formless knowing in the form. May we be still and humbled in the privilege of Presence, granted and led by Great Omni-essence Divinity. Amen.

Heavenly Mother/Father God, Creator offering all Creations. The Light, The Oneness, The Great Embodiment, the All that is, the Mighty I am Presence. Thank you for all you give unto us and bring unto us. Thank you for the Creation and thank you for allowing us to be part of – and united within – your Creation. We love and adore and worship only you God. Amen.


Elohim - Michael            (Blue/Throat/Archangel Michael)

Elohim - Gabriel             (Gold/Crown/Archangel Gabriel)

Elohim - Raphael            (Pink/Heart/Archangel Raphael)

Elohim - Samael             (Green/Third Eye/Archangel Samael)

Elohim - Sachiel              (Purple rimmed in Gold/Solar Plexus/Archangel Sachiel)

Elohim - Uriel                   (Violet/Hara/Archangel Uriel)

Elohim - Cabiel               (Orange/Base/Archangel Cabiel)