Satchitanada Pia Ma is an Awakened Spiritual teacher. Residing in Australia, Pia Ma’s events include local, international in person and online programs. Ma is here to support Awakening, Divine Communion, Sacred Being in the ordinary of everyday. Unique within her Awakened Presence, Ma shares, inspires, invokes Sacred Presence, the sanctuary glory within us to come forth, abide, live.

Pia Ma shares simple tools of innate functioning that can be easily embraced in our busy lifestyles. Tools that naturally reach far beyond the identified self, touching into depths of Be-ing. The tools platform-support our capacity to remain open, to fully embody embrace Awareness Presence, Sacred Heart.

Ma’s Presence holds a space for you to be able to leave the meeting with solid tools. Tools that enable continual support after the meeting. The ‘how to’ without doing, the paradox of Awakening, surrendering into innate functioning, Sacredly meet-be yourself- Oneself within the ordinary everyday. Pia Ma’s Essence naturally supports the aliveness of Grace Gratitude Love, the Sacred within us all freshly rise. Ma inspires Sacred living calling forth, surrendering into and Living life in True Being.

If challenged within the everyday we can recognise the first point of call, surrender inward Home to Oneself. Here we experience a natural freedom.

Consciously without effort-surrendering-allowing, resting our attention on our constant within, what doesn’t come and go, there is an alive richness. Spaciousness naturally opens. Freshness within simplicity. Surprisingly familiar fresh essence is known as always been, regardless of the veils at times we can extend out into, surviving life. We can recognise in an instant we are designed to drop into-recognise our True Nature and in that moment veils dissolve, our familiar essence Presence is Here.  Boundless glorious depths open as we simultaneously surrender. This allows whatever rises on our field of Awareness to be met from our Essence. In turn, what no longer serves continues to rise, bubble up and Sacredly wash away. Embodying anchoring Spaciousness, consciously resting in Spaciousness. Insight clarity recognising we are that, recognising the gloriousness of Life. We celebrate the ever expanding Spaciousness freedom.

Home to Oneself, the greatest gift for all Life

The glorious sweet intimacy with oneself, the wondrous moments as we shift our attention and consciously Play. Here in this moment we can take the Constant as an example and Consciously rest in the constant within us. We recognise what doesn’t come and go from resting in the constant ~ an opportunity to see the constant is already here, our Sacred, our ally. An aliveness within the constant is remembered, Home to Oneself fresh within open discovery is recognised. True Nature has freedom to pulse forth. Spaciousness unfolds rises to the occasion.

To embrace the moment, an opportunity to remain focused resting attention, softly lovingly abidingly, surrendering to no effort natural resting, surrendering to what comes forth. We discover the always fresh aliveness of Sacred Heart. The richness in Being, great nourishment in boundless freedom. We know we are Home, we know it is our our True Nature.

The sweetest of Essence aliveness within the Silence is here already, for we are that. The delight in playing consciously showing oneself to oneself. The glory of the Sacred. Enlivening manual play unfolds, automatically dissolves into Being. We are part of and united within the ever expanding consciousness, humbled in the play, the boundless depth within the Great Ocean of Silence. To consciously choose the Silence see allow the light of consciousness to shine in shadows, challenges and the glory. We are the Light and that Light shines the Great instrument of the Sacred. We are that.

Love Love, be Love, enjoy cherishing our True Nature